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One of the most fascinating things about nature is that it testifies of a greater return on 1% than just 10X. One ear of corn in harvest season will be enough to break the yoke of poverty to a trained mind or be the last bite to eat.One kernel produces just 100 more kernels on to rows of that ear. Enough to produce 100X more stocks with

up to 2-3 . . .


People chase after money only to drown them in deep sorrow, because their amour of gratitude is pierced through with many cares of this life. You don't chase money to become wealthy, you seek vision and the focus to produce stunning works. With nearly 10G invested into the current mentorship network. .


Many people don't see what I see about an icon in the history of the scandal of modern Christianity. My loss was very great: the loss of a father, a mother, and a brother that died in a perfect storm to be the one thing that would destroy the most painful cause of debt - GREED.


Have you noticed the heat of success brings a negativity of those who are cold and in need of comfort? Success has with it a lot of challenges that need the right tools to turn opposition into opportunity. Profitability is the ability to show a new kind of response to opposition; because behind the behind the biggest bully on the success block . . .


Today you are going to learn how to laugh at your ignorance to help you with today's growth hack. This accelerated class is not for those who cannot choose to laugh at  the duplicity they have lived in; but it is for those who want to soar above the slavery to a world system that seeks to undermine your integrity gained . . .   


Look at the man run out of the past. That is a picture of you trading a past of debt to addictions into a race of new life as one united tribe of the emerging family. Debts are canceled and a life of new inheritance is present. Are your ready? Today you end discipline and begin to learn that delight is. .


Many people don't realize that just 1% of a total debt to living expense, is all you will need to invest to disable your daily costs to food, clothing and shelter.

The key is the size of your seed. Today me and my wife have claimed our first harvest of the season, of over a 1.4MM. . .


Many people are plagued with not feeling worthy to accept the total leverage 100X brings. Living in debt to servitude without the inner witness of the 10X identity they possess, and the partnership that creates the 10X fold of relationship that creates a 100 fold. Wanna learn something new?


Gamma rays are the multiplication of fire, and a model for splitting the leadership of a team into an Empire. Today God is returning dynasty living as he is raising up people that don't just look at themselves as a workforce but a Kingdom.In today's message we are shedding light on the world system on purpose so you will learn to split from the image of the beast. . .


Now that we know that a climate of learning is established, we can now learn the nature of authenticity inside because our outer environment is safe from harm. In today's lesson we learn to focus into the future of the land we want to navigate tomorrow, by a inner navigation of honesty to engage by an inner voice of strategy before  we act. This is generating a destiny we. . .


10X is a reality; but it's also in need of the very discernment of which side of history you choose to walk in. Modern takes on a 10X rule of performance creates many giants of competition and that enslave you to a place of unemployment; because they don't realize it's not something that needs fulfillment, it is something. . .


There is an imminent moment predicted by a Seed; the moment you come into the fullness of your predicted future. Man has known deep inside that a future event is coming. Many have predicted the end of the world; but no one has known the timing of new life. All the moments leading to this ninth month of.


To start of this series we are going to give you a really excited treat. We have procured and co-produced a short film called "Prediction". A delightful look at something everyone has seen in the future, but just what will it be like? When is the end of the world or does it just begin? Today imagine birth as a excitement.

9 Months Solid Food


When you have made the decision to be in a new realm of authority you learn to access the Kingdom of God that is literally all around you and ready to access. Today we awaken our eyes to what is already yours to have, plus we look at how to handle resistance by learning the great separation from the world.


What exactly happened the day the ground quaked and the sky was darkened at Jesus' death or when he rose from the dead? There is an epoch result that was procured at this time in history, and many are coming to this very reality in the out pouring of the Ghost.


Ever carry weight that is not yours to carry? In today's lesson we show you the effortless grace to build your house apart from the world system, with heavenly insight at what the cross provides you both in debt cancellation and 100 Fold covenant.

Intro Video
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